Alpine Pharmaceuticals, a marketing division of Hahnemann Labs., Inc., manufacturer of the unique dosing regimen of high strength homeopathic Arnica montana for the reduction of post-trauma bruising and swelling will discontinue the sales of TraumaCare™. In light of the slow sales of this product, we will no longer manufacture, distribute, or sell TraumaCare™. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
Alpine Pharmaceuticals will continue to promote clinical studies, marketing, and sales of TraumaCare’s better known sister product, SinEcch™. As an industry leader, Alpine Pharmaceuticals introduced the unique programmed dosing regimen of high strength homeopathic Arnica by the trade name SinEcch™ into the plastic surgery market in 1997 to reduce post-operative bruising and swelling. SinEcch™ continues as an industry leader as the homeopathic Arnica dosing regimen with 4 definitive plastic surgery clinical studies demonstrating statistically significant reduction of post-surgical bruising and swelling. Please see for product information, the SinEcch™ clinical studies, and sales.
Thank you for your interest in Alpine Pharmaceuticals unique dosing regimen of high strength homeopathic Arnica. We look forward to meeting your needs through our premium product, SinEcch™.